There are two ways to play the game .
One way is by playing Stacks which is usually fast and exciting.
Heres how it’s played each player or players must stack
game pieces one on top of another creating a single column building up with the exception of when playing the 2 smalls.The 2 small game pieces can be played side by side touching or one on top of another. Any player that knocks down the Stack is out and the remaining players can replay another round until only one player is determined the winner. Check out the pictures at the bottom of page for examples.
When playing Tricky Tree a player or players use wooden base provided in game set. A player can use any available Space on the base to place there game pieces.Game pieces can overhang the edge.The two (smalls)small game pieces can be separate from one another and placed anywhere space provides.Any part or section of a Tricky Tree that falls player that caused this is out and remaining players continue to build on remaining Tricky Tree.(Optional)or they can attempt roll themselves back in the game by guessing what there next roll will be if they guess correctly they are back in the game and must play the game piece they just rolled. If a player Rolls dice and the game piece to be played is no longer available then they skip until roll allows game peice to be played .When all the pieces have been used player or players have built a TRICKORYTREE.Check out pictures at bottom of page for examples.
Cooperative Play. Is when everyone is trying to work together to build the best Stack or Tricky Tree.
Competitive Play. Players try to strategically place game pieces to potentially make an opponents next move topple the build whether it’s Stacks or Tricky Tree.
You can also just stack, build and create whatever and however you like.
Find a flat stable surface to place wooden base. A floor works too.
Determine which player will be starting first.
Any roll that equals over 6 player uses a BIG BLUE game piece.
Any roll that equals 6 or UNDER player uses a medium yellow ochre game piece.
Any doubles other then double 6...double 4....or double 1 Player uses 2 small black and yellow game pieces.NOTE. Remember smalls must be stacked side by side touching or one on top of another when playing Stacks. When playing Tricky Tree smalls can be separated.
Any double 4 player uses one small black and yellow and choice of either a medium yellow ochre or big blue.
Any double 6 player uses a BIG RED LOG.
Any double 1 (snake eyes) uses one green snake game piece or.......player can make a wish.player gets to roll again and if they guess there roll correctly they can choose any game piece to play instead of the snake.If players wish does not come true player must play the snake.
If a player rolls and the game pieces is no longer available player must pass to next player until roll allows remaining game pieces to be played.You can always revisit the game on another day there's no time limit and a build can look more like an art piece then a game.
NOTE. Game pieces previously placed can be manipulated by the next player with the use of the current players game piece.This can aid in stabilizing a previous move.Giving the current player a better chance to succeed when placing on a wobbly build.This may also work or not work when playing competitively.
For example.A player takes his or her game piece and places a top another players game piece.You can place and then remove and place again.You can place and twist using only the game piece to find the best placement for your move..(YOU CANNOT) use your hands to hold a build or touch any part of a build.
Example of a Tricky Tree build.Using the round base provided player or players can use there game pieces anywhere space provides.Game pieces can overhang the base. Small game pieces (smalls)can be separated when playing Tricky Tree.If a player knocks down a section of Tricky Tree they are out and remaining players can continue to build onto what remains.Or the player previously out can try to roll back in.If a player can guess there roll when it’s there turn they are back in the game and must play the game piece rolled. Tricky Tree can be played cooperative or competitive.Use all game pieces and you have made a TrickoryTree.
Here is an example of a Stacks.Player or Players must place game pieces one on top of another building up in a single column.This game can be played cooperative (trying to build the highest by working together)or competitive (trying to place game pieces strategically as to make the next players move potentially topple the stack) If a player is using the 2 small game pieces then they must be placed side by side touching or one on top of another. If a player knocks down the stack they are out and the remaining players can play another round until winner is determined.
Any double 1 (snake eyes)player uses one SNAKE game piece........or player can make a wish. Player rolls again and if they can guess their roll correctly player can choose any other Game piece or pieces to play.If their wish doesn’t come true player must use the snake. Think carefully when playing the snake it could come back to bite you.
Roll a double four you have a choice. You must play one small (multi colored)yellow and black and your choice of a BIG BLUE or medium yellow.Play them side by side or one on top of another.NOTE.A player will be using only TWO game pieces.A small and a medium or Small and a Big blue.One on top of another in any combination or side by side touching.
Any double six rolled player chooses a big red log.
.All other doubles rolled player uses two small multi colored (yellow and black bumble bees).These game pieces can be placed side by side touching or one on top of another. Note when playing Tricky Tree they can go anywhere space provides and do not need to be kept together.